"Often Bible studies can become unintentionally routine or boring. Explore and be equipped in Manuscript Bible Study, designed to usher us into life-giving Scripture experiences by increasing the vibrancy and quality of discussion with each other and of encounter with God. Together our curiosity of and genuine engagement with Word & Spirit can lead to transformation."
First we Observe. We gather all the facts and clues from the text, the background and history from the context, because we want to know what did the original inspired author say?
Second, we Interpret. That means we write questions and we ask them of the text, then we answer those questions using the text, because what we want to know is, “What did this message mean to the original audience?”
Third, we Apply. The core message of that text means something to us today as well. The Bible is applicable to our daily lives.
We do all of this through Revive Europe in our favorite way called manuscript Bible study. That means we just print out the scripture on paper, and then we mark it up. We use colored pencils to make our observations, to ask our questions. It’s fun, interactive, both communal and personal, and it’s a way to connect both our head and our heart when we study.
We study using the manuscript method because we want to encounter Jesus in the text. We also want not just our ability to study the Bible to improve, but also our motivation. And ultimately, we want to be transformed by God’s Word.
The more we understand Scripture, the better we’re able to study it, and the more we study, the more we’re able to respond and obey.